Most of these bags are available in many colors and patterns an can be rolled up and fit in a glove box or other handbag and they can hold more than regular plastics bags.
Top handbag designer Anya Hindmarch created a re-usable shopping bag. The bags "I'm not a plastic Bag" were launched at London Fashion Week 2007 and became a desirable accessory. In 2009 Hindmarch designed 6 new canvas shopping totes, with illustrations inspired by the markets of Provence.
Apparently Chanel has it’s own idea of eco-shopping in style. Modeled after the iconic shopping bags of their 31, Rue Cambon flagship location in Paris, this leather bag indeed looks like a paper shopping bag, with one difference - this one costs $2525.
Another American design brand BlueQ has a line of bags that are made of 95% recycled woven polypropylene. Stylish and sensible.
BUILT designs iconic neoprene totes that make everyday life more enjoyable. Their reusable shopping bag stretches to fit everything on your shopping list. And if you’re traveling, it’s perfect for carrying snacks and magazines for the plane or car ride.
Reisenthel products are extremely functional, light and able to transform quickly into a convenient, sleek carry-all. Eye-catching prints.
The philosophy of Envirosax® is to help create a better future for our planet by spreading the environmental message through colour and script using the Envirosax® eco-friendly reusable bag as the vehicle.
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